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Nintendo E3 2016 | Afterthought

Nintendo only had a hand full of games at E3 this year but one stole the whole show. Prepare yourself for “Breath of the Wild”.
#Nintendo #NintendoatE3 #BreathofTheWild

What They Shown off
Nintendo had a very small E3 line up this year. It seems every year it gets smaller and smaller. This year they mainly had 2 games, Pokemon Sun / Pokemon Moon, and The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild.

The Good:
  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - is flat out Amazing in every way…
  • Pokemon Sun | Pokemon Moon - is the closest we have ever gotten to the Pokemon game of our dreams. (Fully 3D rendered pokemon game)

The Bad:
  • 2 games, WTF Nintendo… It's almost like you guys really don’t care anymore. I’m starting to feel like a sheep supporting you guys. Sad to say it but Nintendo is the Apple of the gaming industry.
  • No new Hardware Announcement. We all know this will be the last year of the Wii U but Nintendo has yet to announce anything new about their upcoming system besides, that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will release on it as well (Similar to what they did with Twilight Princess for the Gamecube & the Wii). .

The Ugly:
  • The Pokemon Sun | Pokemon Moon E3 Presentation was the most boringest thing I have ever watched pertaining to gaming. 15 mins in and I fell asleep (no lie) and missed the whole Zelda presentation. I had to rewatch it later once it was uploaded.

I’m a Nintendo fan and have been for years, but it is like they are trying to make me not like them anymore Bringing only 2 games to E3 is like giving the middle finger to its fans who have been supporting them through these hard times. If it wasn’t for the the games being top notch “A” list games I would be saying FU Nintendo.

Games: 5
The Legend of Zelda alone would have gotten this a 5 but Pokemon is also a really great game. Can’t wait for these games.

New Tech / Features: 0
Nintendo announced no new features or tech that is on the way. It was a bit disappointing.

Presentation: 3.5
So yeah This would have been at least a 4 if I didn’t fall asleep during the pokemon segment. Don’t get me wrong the game is great but presentation that Nintendo put together was like watching wet paint dry..  

