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Showing posts with the label E32016

Nintendo E3 2016 | Afterthought

Nintendo only had a hand full of games at E3 this year but one stole the whole show. Prepare yourself for “Breath of the Wild”. #Nintendo #NintendoatE3 #BreathofTheWild

Microsoft E3 2016 Wrap-Up | AfterThoughts

Its that time of year again where everyone goes crazy for NEW Video Games, and Gaming Tech. Folks it is the season fo E3. #Xbox #XboxE3 #E32016

World of Final Fantasy E3 2016 Trailer | E3 2016

A Final Fantasy game that was announced last year is still on track to release this fall for the PlayStation 4 and PS Vita. #WorldOfFinalFantasy #PlayStation #PSVita #SquareEnix #PlayStation4 #E32016

How to Watch Sony's PlayStation Conference at E3 This Year | Event

Are you ready for E3 This year? We sure are here is how you can view it if you aren't attending the show or the Experience Event.  #PlayStation #E32016 #Gaming

Sony Announces PlayStation E3 Experience 2016

E3 is just around the corner and Sony wants its fans to enjoy it just as much as the E3 attendees.  #E32016 #PlayStation #PlayStationExperience2016

Nintendo Reveals more info on its E3 Plans | Coming Soon...

Nintendo sheds a little more light on their E3 plans this year.  #Nintendo #E32016 #LegendofZelda  +Nintendo