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Showing posts with the label Microsoft Xbox 360

Forza Horizon 2 Announced for the Xbox One & Xbox 360

#Carporn at its finest... 

AFTERGLOW® AX.4 Wired Communicator - Review

So.. Your Xbox 360 headset died but you don't want to invest in a new one for a slowly fading system (at least this is my sentiments). What do you do? You buy a cheap replacement of course... 

Assassins Creed IV Announced

Okay so there has been rumors circulating for a while about the next game of the Assassin's Creed Series. UbiSoft announced the new title of the series as well a the box art (seen above). The Game will be called "Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag"and will be releasing on the Xbox360, PS3, Wii-U, and PC.

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3

New Trailer and Release Dates!!!

Microsoft Xbox Reviews

Reviews of Games and Software for the  Microsoft Xbox Gaming Platform