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T-Mobile HTC Sensation 4G Review

A couple if updates to my art sites

1. I remade my sketch of Homer Simpson and colored it in, in PhotoShop. I pretty satisfied with the results... 2. I remade my picture of young simba which was a bigger task for me than the homer one was. I kinda getting the hang of it though. It's pretty cool seeing your art coming alive with color. I'm gonna try do do this with most of my old pictures. You can see ally of my work on my deviant art page or my fanart central page the links will be posted in the end. 3.  I kinda stacked off today when comes down actually getting work done because I didn't complete my goal that I set for today. I'll just have to make it up for tomorrow.  Next blog I will be doing a app review on Astrid...   my deviantART page     my fan art central page