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Showing posts with the label What Really Grinds My Gears

What Really Grinds My Gears | RIP 3.5mm Headphone Jack

The segment is back where we discuss annoying things that happen that “Really Grinds Our Gears” #WhatReallyGrindsMyGears #negativeadvancements #tech #WRGMG

Weekly Wrap Up | Week of 5/22/2016

Beauty and the Beast gets an Live action overhaul, The Legend of Zelda will be taking over E3 Nintendo Booth, and things are starting to grind our gears... #WeeklyWrapUp #Nintendo #Disney #Tech #Gaming

What Really Grinds My Gears... | Google Camera App

For some strange reason Android and cameras go together like milk and citrus...  #WRGMG #Google #Android #GoogleCameraApp